
Katoomba to Jenolan via Bathurst - map & directions

If you are driving generally west from Sydney, you can reach Edith Road, by a long, but rewarding, detour, which takes you west into the rolling Central Tablelands and then south onto the Oberon Plateau, the highest part of the Blue Mountains. This way of getting to Jenolan from the direction of Sydney, is the longest, but it is also the most straightforward.

map of route to Jenolan via Bathurst


Approx travel times

Approx distances

From Katoomba, drive west on the Great Western Highway to Lithgow.

39 min.


At Lithgow, continue on the Great Western Highway to Bathurst.

53 min.


Just before Bathurst, turn left on Littlebourne Street.
This takes you through the tiny village of O’Connell, and on to the small town of Oberon.

36 min.



At Oberon, turn left onto Carrington Avenue, the main street. There are shops and 3 fuel stations in Oberon – last fuel before Jenolan. 



Turn into Ross Street and then Edith Road. Stay on Edith Road, all the way to Jenolan.

28 min.



2 hrs, 36 min.


Before setting out for Jenolan, always check www.livetraffic.comfor possible road closures or delays. 


On Edith Road, 3 kms before Jenolan, at the top of the steep valley descent, STOP AT THE BARRIER. The descent is now one-way, so Transport for NSW will escort your vehicle 3km down to our carpark. Then, catch our free shuttle bus, right down to caves and hotel. Escort vehicles run every 20-minutes and shuttle bus runs more frequently.

To be on time for your tour, please arrive at the barrier (3km from the caves) ***1 HOUR AND 15 MINUTES BEFORE YOUR FIRST BOOKED ACTIVITY.***

LEAVE WITH ESCORT VEHICLE: Escort vehicles leave our car park every 20 minutes, to accompany vehicles back up the hill.